Fish Saga
The first week of college I bought a fish. A betta fish.
His name was Jaws. He lasted a little over a month, until he developed a fungus and died. Needless to say, the death of a fish can bring giants to their knees. And thats exactly what happened.
After some serious thought, I decided to go purchase another. His name is Flipper. He's still alive after some hair-raising events.
I woke up this morning and started preparing my usual cup of coffee. Since I'm at college, I don't have much space. My fish bowl rests on a shelf just above my coffee maker- which only brews one cup at a time.
I started checking my email, waiting for the cup to brew. I also got some creamers.
I accidentally poured the creamers into my fish bowl. The crisis has yet to be rectified.
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