Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Smoked Salmon

You know what I want, right now?

I mean right this instant.

I want a fat, juicy, smoked salmon cooked with rare spices and herbs.

I want a king fish from the Arctic.

Am I gonna get it?

No. Nope.

I'm just going to get shitty pizza that smells like a greasy sock.

Have a nice week.


At 8:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hannaford's carries Duck Trap smoked salmon. Good stuff! Head to the store and buy yourself a slab but better have some cash on you. It ain't cheap.

At 11:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You've got a bit of a whine fest going on here lately. Go outside and get some sunshine then come back and write the good stuff you're known for.

At 3:13 PM, Blogger Jacob Swift said...

I dissagree mother. I like the whine fest. This is ewhat the whole blog has been. Those of you who like the whine fest go to zak and my blog http://the-whine-festers.blogspot.com
It should be pretty interesting. Now that you have a taste of the college life, Have a taste of the high school life. Me and Zak will both informing you about the @$&!y life of high school. Those of you who have told me to get a blog, well, stop, now, right now, ok.

At 8:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

seriously not even a valentines day post?! c'mon...don't you just love Valentines day where you go out, spend too much money on a nice gift for someone who
A: doesnt even know you exist
B: knows but doesnt care that you exist
C: knows you, loves you, and probly will break up with you within the year sometimes evn month or week

also i would leave the whining up to your little bro...you have the gift of comedy..he can just whine all day! haha

At 4:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wonderin where you've been?

At 7:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ow long has it been since your last post!? seriously if you're not going to post until you gt your smoked salmon then i'll send you some but come on!


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