Sunday, January 29, 2006


I want a penguin.

I want a penguin really bad. I want one that I can squeeze so tightly. I want one to kiss me with its silky beak.

They're just so adorable. And you know it would wait on you like a butler. It would be happy to fetch a pina colada from the kitchen.

One day I will visit their ice city and barter for a companion. Hopefully they'll accept me into their ranks.

Please. Buy me a Penguin. For my Birthday?


At 8:15 PM, Blogger Sam said...

I would but you know they aren't cheap. The only place I know you can get cheap penguins is Mexico...and even then you're gonna have problems smuggling aquatic life over the border. Here is an example of the conversation I had with the border patrol last time I smuggled a penguin.

Patrol: that a penguin in your trunk?

Me: Si Si No illegalo por me familia

Patrol: Sir you're clearly American

Me: No No tienes muy grande pelota por su penguin

Patrol: Sir step out of the car

Happy B-day!

At 2:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

happy late birthday dave...and since im late, when you return home there will be a penguin waiting there to fetch you your damn pina colada


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