Momma's Boy
My Dad is a crazy guy.
My Mom is pretty crazy too. She married him.
I mean she is a nut case.
You know why I know? She does weird stuff.
Like staging a hot dog cooker prank / christmas present fiasco. Yeah. Here are the details for that:
* Mom keeps asking me what I want for Christmas. I tell her I dunno, a hot dog cooker as a joke. She keeps asking, I keep joking-a hot dog cooker.
*Mom plants an email from grandma in her inbox. She knows I snoop around. I found it. It is all about the hot dog cooker: "Its the only thing he'll get because it was a little more than we usually spend on him." A hot dog cooker. For Christmas. I was ruined.
Yeah Mom was behind that one. She was. The damage I sustained. She's a maniac. She drove a motorcycle to Alaska with a long haired wrench. These people are nuts.
But I love 'em. And its my Mom's Birthday. So, happy B - Day Mom. Yeah, I'm not sorry. But are you are the best mother in the whole world... god damn it.
It's my sister's birthday today too. She is ten years old. She's pretty weird also, but more of in a I-worship-Satan kind of way.
Just read my birthday present from you. It's a few days late for me but I love it and it made me cry and laugh at the same time. Oh and by the way, you are the best oldest son in the whole wide world.
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