Friday, April 21, 2006

Momma's Boy

My Dad is a crazy guy.

My Mom is pretty crazy too. She married him.

I mean she is a nut case.

You know why I know? She does weird stuff.

Like staging a hot dog cooker prank / christmas present fiasco. Yeah. Here are the details for that:
* Mom keeps asking me what I want for Christmas. I tell her I dunno, a hot dog cooker as a joke. She keeps asking, I keep joking-a hot dog cooker.
*Mom plants an email from grandma in her inbox. She knows I snoop around. I found it. It is all about the hot dog cooker: "Its the only thing he'll get because it was a little more than we usually spend on him." A hot dog cooker. For Christmas. I was ruined.

Yeah Mom was behind that one. She was. The damage I sustained. She's a maniac. She drove a motorcycle to Alaska with a long haired wrench. These people are nuts.

But I love 'em. And its my Mom's Birthday. So, happy B - Day Mom. Yeah, I'm not sorry. But are you are the best mother in the whole world... god damn it.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

I Need You

Ok Folks.

This is where I need you. I need you to help me. I'm stooping down, on one knee, and begging. Please, won't you vote for my video- Violence on Television?

If you enjoyed my video, please give it a 'greenlight - (in the video window bottom right corner)' at the following address:

Thank you kindly.